Women’s Circles


With Kirby Criddle

Guided energetic pelvic bowl clearing + radiant body meditation.

Naked Cake

With Kirby Criddle

Nude women's sister-wound healing workshop.

This class is a pre-register circle. Click the button below to register.

Session 1: “Inhale Courage, Exhale Joy: Weaving Your Power Story”

With Mandy Trapp

In this sacred, Shamanic-breathwork experience, we will embark on a transformative journey towards embodied joy through the weaving of your personal power story. We will connect deeply with our power animal, a spiritual guide that symbolizes our inner strength and wisdom. This journey will take us back through memories that may have branded us as victims, allowing us to reframe these experiences.

Together, we will reframe these memories, recognizing that the powerful, loving, protective, kind, and compassionate qualities we carry today are the result of those very events. This session is a profound celebration of personal power and the incredible journey each of us has traveled. 

This session is an invitation to move towards joy and embrace the beauty of your personal power. Together, we will celebrate the incredible resilience and growth that defines us.

Session 2:  "Embracing the Unseen: A Journey of Breath and Heartfelt Connection”

With Mandy Trapp

Join us for a transformative experience that opens both your mind and heart to the abundant support that surrounds you, both visible and invisible.

In this session, we will harness the profound power of breathwork and meditation to attune ourselves to the vast network of support available in our lives. Through guided conscious-connected breathwork, we’ll cultivate a deep sense of presence and awareness, unlocking the channels through which we connect with both seen and unseen sources of guidance and support.

This class is designed for those seeking to:

  • Open their hearts and minds to the abundance of support around them

  • Cultivate a deeper connection with both visible and invisible sources of guidance

  • Enhance their awareness of the nurturing forces that contribute to their well-being

  • Experience a profound sense of alignment and support in their personal journey

Together, we will explore the intersection of breath, presence, and universal support, fostering a deeper understanding of the profound connections that sustain us.

Music & Yoga Journey to JOY

Join Shane Robins and Jesse Rae in a magical collaboration of live music and movement. This honey like combination will connect you deep into your JOY. 
Feel the music ripple through your body as you move through a hatha style 50 min yoga flow followed by a short guided meditation.  Jesse’s buttery and soulful vocals will evoke deep emotion from your soul in this unique experience.

From Roots to Rhythms - Seasonal Herbal Self Care for Women

- Introduction to Herbal Medicine for Women
- Seasonal and Local Herbal Strategies
- Power plants of the North
- Herbal self-care practices that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. - Herbal teas, tinctures, and body care products that align with the seasons.

In this presentation you will gain a deeper understanding of how herbs can support women's health through various life stages and seasonal changes. Whether you are new to herbal medicine or looking to deepen your knowledge, this presentation offers valuable insights and practical tools to help you nurture and nourish your health naturally.

Journey to Joy

Join Jillian Schecher, Joy + Mindfulness Coach, for a "Journey to Joy" workshop. This immersive session is designed to guide you through the essential practices of Joy and mindfulness, helping you connect with your inner peace and amplify your Joy DAILY!

This Joy Session Workshop includes teaching, meditating, journaling, sharing and connecting deeply within. Together, we will walk through The Joy Method, deepening our understanding of practical ways to honour ourselves and each other as leaders, guides, and beacons of Real and RAW Joy! The intention is to create awareness to inspire action and support deeper alignment in all aspects of your life.

If you're ready to embark on a next-level journey to Joy that makes room for the light, the shadow and everything in between, this session is for you!

The SOUL of SPIRIT ....

With Eskotey

We will be taking an adventure into the Thoughts our Soul ... Daring to go to the Ancient past of our DNA memories, sitting in the Peace of Present Time , and drifting into the potentiality of the Future We wish to see ...
First we will delve into a little history about how and what poetry was used for, as well as taking a hiking adventure to stir up our imaginations and all 7 senses...

Please bring paper & pen to this class.

Earth Altar and Sister Blessing

Upon arrival, join Rachel for sacred sister blessings as well as create an earth altar mandala together. Women will be guided to unite in pairs or trios to bless eachother with aromatic smudge, flowers and sound healing- a beautiful purification through a process of artful play! After each experience is complete, women will use the flowers and plants that were upon their bodies to offer to the co-create earth altar mandala, weaving the collective web of matter & magic. As a ‘wo-manifestion’ of sisterhood in action, the earth altar mandala will be open to all wishing to add to it throughout the gathering.

The Labyrinth Walk

With Kim Burgess and Marlies Soltys 

In this offering, Kim and Marlies will guide participants through a full sensory experience that symbolizes the ebb and flow of life’s path.  Our walking labyrinth is a meandering maze cut in a circular pattern from the prairie grasses. Metaphorically, the labyrinth represents a spiritual journey into self (centre) with a transformed return to the world around us. Walking a labyrinth can present you with opportunities to quiet the mind, calm anxieties, balance life, bring insights, self reflection and relief from stress. 

- Stage 1- Releasing- you walk a path leading you through a series of twists and turns to the pivotal centre, letting go of distractions, details and opening the heart 

- Stage 2- Receiving- the pivotal centre shifting you from left to right, and at the heart, ready to receive 

- Stage 3- Returning- leaving centre, entering the right side of the labyrinth on the guided path towards the exit while allowing insights, messages or lessons to resonate upon re-emerging

We encourage walking in silence and barefoot for grounding. 

Fire Circle Songs

Deandra and Karli are excited to guide circle songs around the fire. Both gathering around the fire and expression of the Self through song are imbued with tremendous healing potential and have been used by our ancestors for centuries. We will begin with toning to activate your unique voice as a tool for self healing followed by communal singing of simple round songs. No musical experience or ability is necessary. Humming is welcome.

Kundalini Yoga

Our kundalini yoga sesh begins and ends with mantras, or chants, like prayers for connecting with our higher wisdom, for protection, and for each other. Each movement channels energies through our meridians and makes space for the lungs. After each movement we'll inhale deeply and hold our breath comfortably while gently flexing the pelvic floor and focusing with closed eyes at the centre of the eyebrows. Between each movement we'll take a few resting breaths for integration. There'll be time at the end for relaxing deeply.

Divine Design

- the JOY of movement

With Corey Lakusiak

A simple movement practice for ALL women to help deepen the breath + enliven the body. Learn to move the way the body was Divinely designed to move in order to build strength, mobility, and resiliency. *Suitable for ALL

Green Tara Activation

Using movement, sound, visualization and mantra; conditions will be curated to activate the frequency of Green Tara. She is the embodiment of innate wisdom and unconditional, boundless love; nurturer and protector of all sentient beings. Receive a spark of the Divine Feminine, the manifestation of enlightened activity in the world, as we join our hearts in co-creating a more harmonious, loving and joyful reality.

The Hallowed; integration circle

As we gather we will learn what integration within all of our bodies requires, deeply acknowledging all the medicine weaved throughout the weekend + integrate what is resonating within. the act of sacred gathering of women in circle is woven with the intent to hold, to be held + feel the remembrance of our collective all around us. this space is where we drop into ourselves; whether that is to ground, to receive support, find guidance, or all of the above. each circle will begin with prayer, leading into an intention setting for the time together. we will then be lead through introspective prompts, somatic movements, internal attunement, meditative guidance & integrative practices to allow for the healing cascade to flow. through sharing within the group we will also see that we are all mirrors for one another as we are the medicine. to gather, a sacred rite held in reverence.