
RAW Women Gathering was dreamed by five women with a common vision- to gather, to remember and to connect in sisterhood while being held in the stunning and poignant landscape of the Riding Mountains in Manitoba. Each weaving in their unique threads, Tusa, Nicole, Kalee, Karli and Deandra came together with divine timing to birth a visionary tapestry of a conscious women’s gathering. Spanning the mountainside communities of Onanole, Kelwood and Eden Manitoba, these women bring forth their unique gifts and hearts into a quintessential sisterhood with the greater dream of facilitating community and coming home to ourselves, our love, our joy and our RAW-ness.

The name RAW was chosen because the acronym itself holds many expressions of what it means to remember and become ourselves- the raw, aligned, wild, real, awake, wondrous, rising, alive and woven women we all are!